Yearly Archives: 2024

Bump in the Road (Alignment)

There's something you can do that helps your tires last longer, wear more evenly and your vehicle handle better.  "Sign me up," you say! Wondering what that is? It's aligning your wheels, and it will literally point you in the right direction when it comes to a better and safer driving experience.

When your vehicle was designed, the engineers made sure your tires were all pointing the same way by designing the suspension to make optimal contact with the road. That way the ride is smooth, you don't feel vibrations or shimmying and your vehicle travels in a straight line, without pulling to one side or the other.

Unfortunately, your vehicle is not brand new; time and distance take their toll.  After hitting countless bumps, potholes, or the occasional curb, your suspension gets knocked a little out of kilter.  Those precise angles the engineers planned on for your vehicle? They get out of whack

Uneven or premature tire wear is one of the first signs your alignment may be off.  If you are driving straight and your steering wheel isn't pointing straight, that's another indication alignment might need checking. Tire squealing can also be a clue.

When you bring your vehicle in for an alignment, we use equipment designed to measure the tilts and angles of your suspension's parts.  The technician will also check to see if any of the vehicle's suspension components are worn or broken.  We will also check your steering angle sensor to make sure it's set properly. 

The process is different for vehicles that are front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive, all-wheel drive, or 4-wheel drive. 

After your alignment, your tires should wear more evenly, your steering should be straight and your wheels vibration-free.  If it's been a while since you've had your vehicle aligned, bring it in and we'll check it.  Usually, your alignment will be a little off after one or two years of driving, and it's wise to follow your vehicle manufacturer's recommendation for how often your model should be checked.

West Service Center
904 Cavalier Blvd
Chesapeake, Virginia 23323



U and your U-Joints (Lubricate U-Joints)

If your vehicle’s power goes to the rear wheels, then you have something called U-joints in the drivetrain. U-joints are connectors that allow the rotating power from your vehicle’s engine to deliver its power through a driveshaft to make the rear wheels rotate.  You need U-joints because the surfaces you drive on aren’t perfectly flat, and the driveshaft has to allow for some flexibility when you are traveling over uneven surfaces.

As you can imagine, the U-joints have to move and flex a lot as your vehicle is going down the road.  They have bearings in them to allow that flexibility, and those bearings are lubricated when your vehicle is made.  Some U-joints have lifetime lubrication and are not designed to be serviced.  When they fail, they have to be replaced.  Others have grease fittings on them that need periodic lubricating by a technician at intervals recommended by your vehicle’s manufacturer. 

There are signs you can look for that your U-joints need attention.  You may hear a clunk when the gears shift into drive or reverse.  You may feel your vehicle vibrate as you move down the road.  Other signs are leaks at the back of your transmission or a banging sound right before you lose power.  Sometimes, though, if you wait until you notice these symptoms, the U-joints may already be damaged.  

That’s why it’s important that your vehicle’s U-joints be periodically inspected and lubricated.  At the same time, a technician should thoroughly inspect the driveshaft and other connected components.  

Keep your U-joints in good shape, and both of U will continue to enjoy years of reliable transportation.

West Service Center
904 Cavalier Blvd
Chesapeake, Virginia 23323



When Your Tires are Tired (Tire Replacement)

Tires are so reliable these days that few drivers pay much attention to them.  But tires wear out.  They have a tough job since they are the only point of contact between your vehicle and the road.  They have to get your vehicle going from a stop, keep it going, make sure it is headed in the direction you want it to go, and –importantly – slow and stop it.  

The only time many drivers think about their tires is when there's a problem, such as a flat.  Or, they may lose control when they find their vehicle isn't stopping or steering like it used to.  One major safety organization estimates that 1 out of every 11 crashes is related to a tire issue.  

Many of those problems are caused by tire tread wearing out.  The rubber is worn off by friction after hours and hours on roads.  The sidewalls can also be damaged by your tires hitting curbs, potholes, or other debris. Plus, rubber ages as time passes.  We recommend you let us inspect your tires periodically so we can spot potential problems before it's too late.  

When it's time for you to replace your tires, it's important to know which type is right for your driving habits and what environments your tires usually encounter.  The most common tires are called all-season. As the name says, they are pretty good in every season and their tread lasts a long time.  In other words, they're good all-purpose, all-around tires.

Another option is a performance all-season tire, which has a little more grip but won't last as long. Then there are ultra-high-performance tires (UHP) which have wonderful grip and handling but an even shorter lifespan. They also aren't the greatest in slippery conditions.

For those who live in more extreme climates, especially where there is a lot of snow, winter tires are definitely worth considering because their performance in cold, snowy conditions can make a huge difference in traction, improving steering, and stopping.  Some places require winter tires during certain periods of winter.

Don't underestimate how much of a difference tires can make on your vehicle.  Sure, you probably don't pay much attention to them, but they are one of the most important investments you can make, and they can pay valuable dividends when you need them to come through for you.

West Service Center
904 Cavalier Blvd
Chesapeake, Virginia 23323



Putting a Stop to Brake Problems (Brake Service)

It's safe to say that most drivers take their brakes for granted.  You press on the brake pedal and the vehicle slows down or stops.  It's easy to see why it is so important for your vehicle's brakes to be working correctly.  Brakes are an important safety feature of any vehicle.

When it comes to your brakes working correctly, maintaining them regularly will ensure that you will always be able to slow or stop your vehicle in any situation, whether on a sunny day on dry pavement or a bad weather day on slippery surfaces.  And that is why regular brake service is such a sound investment for all drivers. The combo of brakes" and "surprises" doesn't usually end well.

You might already know about some of the parts of your braking system.  Terms familiar to you might be pads, rotors, and calipers. In short, the calipers press the pads, which in turn contact the rotors.  The resulting friction slows your vehicle.  Another type of brake uses a drum and brake shoes.  But both count on friction to work.

When you come in to have us check your brakes, we'll make sure those parts are all in good working together and meet the specifications of your vehicle manufacturer.  But there are other important components as well.  Your brake system has several parts of a hydraulic system that uses fluids to conduct the pressure you put on the brake pedal to the brakes on all of your wheels.  There are hoses and lines that can sometimes degrade because of road salt or debris.  

Last and not least, your vehicle has an emergency or parking brake. It's something you'll need to prevent your vehicle from rolling when you park on a steep incline. Your parking brake also is an important backup if your hydraulic brakes fail.  

Give your brakes some tender loving care with regular service and they'll be there when you need them.

West Service Center
904 Cavalier Blvd
Chesapeake, Virginia 23323


Brake Service

Why did my vehicle fail its emissions test?

We all want to breathe clean air and keep our planet green.  One of the ways to do that is by requiring all vehicles with internal combustion engines to pass an emissions test.  That’s because these vehicles can be big polluters.  

Everyone wants their car to pass the test so they can continue their day-to-day driving routine.  But then comes that one day when they tell you your vehicle has failed.  Why does that happen?

One of the most common reasons is that your gas cap is leaking or loose (or maybe you don’t even have one on your vehicle!).  The gas cap is supposed to seal in vapors, but sometimes its seals or gaskets dry out or crack. Replace it, and you’re good to go.

Another common reason your vehicle failed the test is that your catalytic converter isn’t doing its job. It is supposed to convert toxic gases from your engine into ones that don’t pollute the air.  There are many reasons the catalytic converter may not be working.  It may be physically damaged, or the steady flow of exhaust gases has fouled the converter. 

You may have a bad oxygen sensor. It’s supposed to measure how much oxygen is in your exhaust.  This can cause the air-fuel mixture to be too rich, resulting in too many hydrocarbons in the exhaust. Your ignition system may also have problems, such as worn-out spark plugs.  Dirty fuel injectors can contribute to excess emissions.

Believe it or not, a dirty engine air filter may be the culprit. If it hasn’t been replaced for a while, your vehicle may be emitting too many hydrocarbons -  something that will cause your vehicle to fail the emissions test.

You can usually avoid a failed emissions test by maintaining your vehicle regularly.  The best way to do that is by bringing it to our trained technicians, so your vehicle gets the service it needs, scheduled and non-scheduled.  Plus, you’ll be doing your part to keep our air clean.

West Service Center
904 Cavalier Blvd
Chesapeake, Virginia 23323



Timing is Everything (Timing Cover Replacement)

There’s an important part in your vehicle that shields your timing belt, timing chain or cam belt from the debris and gunk that can be kicked up from the road.  It’s called the timing cover.  It’s important because the timing belt or chain is what coordinates parts of your engine called the camshafts and crankshaft.  When they’re in sync, all runs smoothly.  When they’re not, it can cause some serious engine problems.

If your vehicle has a timing belt, without the protection of the timing cover, that belt can come loose from the timing gears or break.  If your vehicle has a timing chain, the cover keeps engine oil circulating around it which lubricates it.  When that starts to leak because of a bad gasket, the chain may not be getting adequate lubrication.  

If your vehicle has a timing cover problem, you may notice engine oil leaking if a gasket is not sealing tightly.  You may hear a strange metallic sound coming from the engine.  Another sign that timing is off is that you notice you’re losing power when you’re going up a hill. 

Usually, the timing cover will not wear out. But if you drive on roads where you’re getting a lot of debris and dirt kicked up into your engine compartment, the timing cover can get damaged and affect your vehicle’s operation.  It eventually could lead to engine problems, so if you notice any of the symptoms mentioned, have one of our technicians inspect your timing cover and gasket.  

West Service Center
904 Cavalier Blvd
Chesapeake, Virginia 23323


Timing Belt

(Timing Belt)

You may have heard about an important part of your vehicle's engine called a timing belt, and many know that if that belt breaks, it can cause some very serious engine problems.  

Not all vehicles have them, and the ones that do generally have smaller engines.  The timing belt keeps the engine synchronized so that every time a spark plug fires, the crankshaft, camshaft, pistons, and valves are all working together.  Timing belts will eventually have to be replaced, and most vehicle manufacturers recommend when that should be.  Typically, it's around every 60,000-100,000 miles, or 100,000-160,000 km. It's a good idea to stick to your vehicle's schedule or be alert for signs that the timing belt may be failing prematurely.

Some of those symptoms? Maybe your engine won't even turn over when you try firing it up. You might hear a ticking or banging sound under the hood.  Perhaps you spot an oil leak or notice the engine misfiring.  If any of those are happening to your vehicle, we strongly advise you to bring it in to us so we can have a technician see what's causing the issue. 

Again, if your timing belt breaks, it can cause serious, expensive engine damage to valves and pistons. It is far better to have the timing belt replaced before it breaks.

Replacing it is fairly involved, and other associated parts, such as the water pump, thermostat, tensioner, and idler pulleys may be replaced at the same time.  That way, your timing belt is more likely to last another 60,000-100,000 miles/100,000-160,000 km without any problems. 

Timing belts are being used in fewer vehicles, with more and more using timing chains since they last longer.  If you're wondering if your vehicle has one, contact our service adviser who can check. Maybe it's time to schedule a timing belt replacement to keep your vehicle's engine parts working in harmony as they should.

West Service Center
904 Cavalier Blvd
Chesapeake, Virginia 23323


Timing Belt

Flat Tire? Three?s the Charm (Tire Repair)

For most drivers, at some point you’re going to have a flat tire. Depending on how it was damaged, it may have to be replaced.  But sometimes, a repair will do the trick, as long as the puncture isn’t on the sidewall and the hole is smaller than ¼ inch/6.35mm in diameter. Here are the three common ways your tire can be fixed.

One way is to put a plug in the hole.  Since most tires are damaged by running over sharp objects such as screws and nails, the small hole from which the air is escaping is on the part of the tire that touches the road. If it’s in the sidewall, it most likely can’t be fixed.  

In the plug method, a technician inserets a rubber plug.  It is covered with some sticky, gluey stuff, and is pushed into the hole from the outside. That plugs the hole and stays in place, thanks to the glue. Friction from driving heats it up and seals the deal.  

Another method is to patch the hole.  For this, your tire has to first be taken off the vehicle, then off the rim so the technician can get access to the inside. There, they’ll clean the inside surface around the hole and apply a rubber patch with an adhesive on it. This type of patch works well, and because of the extra steps and complexity, costs more than having your tire plugged.  

There’s also a combination of those methods just described, the plug-patch.  It is, in essence, a type of patch with glue on it that has a plug sticking out of it.  The plug is inserted into the tire from the inside and pulled through the hole from the outside, drawing the attached patch tight against the tire’s inside surface. The last two methods can’t be used if the hole is near another repair or the sidewall.    

The good news is if it’s fixed properly, your repaired tire should give you good service.

West Service Center
904 Cavalier Blvd
Chesapeake, Virginia 23323



No Fueling Around (Fuel Filter Replacement)

A driver called in to the shop the other day saying his European sports sedan had an odd problem.  He was driving when his car started to slow down.  Applying more throttle didn't help.  He pulled over to the side of the road, shut the engine off and waited a few minutes before starting it up again.  It ran fine… for a couple of minutes.  Then the same thing happened.  He was able to finally get home by stopping and restarting, and he was calling to see if we could take a look at it. 

Turned out it was one of his car's fuel filters that choked up with debris so badly that enough fuel couldn't get through it.  When he stopped the car, enough fuel could flow through the unpressurized fuel line to supply enough fuel for a couple of minutes when he restarted his car. But then the pressure would cause things to clog again.  

There are other symptoms that point to a failing fuel filter. Perhaps your engine misfires, your vehicle is hard to start, or your fuel pump starts making odd noises. 
If you experience any of these signs, bring your vehicle in so we can have a technician check it out. 

Many vehicles have at least two fuel filters. One is a strainer that is part of the fuel pump in the fuel tank, and the other is in the main fuel line. Your vehicle's manufacturer recommends how often yours should be changed, but your driving habits and environment (such as dirty or dusty conditions) may mean yours will have to be replaced more often.  

The technician will also look to see if your vehicle might have another problem that's causing your fuel filter to fail more frequently than normal, such as corrosion in the fuel tank. 

Your engine needs fuel to run. Maintain the health of your fuel system and that will help keep you on the road to your destination.

West Service Center
904 Cavalier Blvd
Chesapeake, Virginia 23323


Fuel Filter

Keeping Yourself in Suspension (Control Arm Assembly Replacement)

When you are pointing your vehicle straight down the street, it should go straight.  That’s pretty straightforward, right? Sometimes, though, you may notice you have to keep adjusting the steering wheel to keep going straight.  While that could be caused by many different issues, one possibility is that you have a failing or bent control arm.

Another sign is that when you brake, your vehicle pulls to one side or the other.  Sometimes your suspension may sound noisy, especially when you’re traveling on rough surfaces.  A damaged control arm may also make it almost impossible for you to get a good wheel alignment. 

The control arms are part of your suspension, and some vehicles have upper control arms and lower control arms.  Not all have the same number of control arms, but one thing is important: If you have worn bushings on your control arms or a worn-out ball joint, the control arm on the other side should also be replaced.  The rubber bushings are susceptible to damage from age and exposure to the elements, and ball joints usually shouldn’t be replaced separately. 

Any time you have a suspension issue, it’s important that a technician inspects the other parts of your suspension as well.  If one part of it is showing its age, it’s not unusual for other components to show similar wear.  

One other thing.  If you’ve had one of your control arms bent or damaged in an accident, you must have it replaced.  Your suspension is an important part of your vehicle’s safety and handling, so you should keep it in good operating condition.  After all, your life is riding on it, literally.   

West Service Center
904 Cavalier Blvd
Chesapeake, Virginia 23323


904 Cavalier Blvd Chesapeake, VA, 23323 (757) 487-4420
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